Thursday, May 23, 2013

What's next?

Well friends - I seem to have exhausted all fabric outlets within a 50 mile radius of my house.  I did the unthinkable and ordered fabric online.  This is a huge gamble!  After all, crafters like me need to fondle the goods, not ogle from afar.  Nevertheless, I was thrilled with this new fabric.  Originally purchased for layering sets, I changed course, and the result is this new bonnet.  I love it!

Look for it soon in my Etsy shop (

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello again!

Wow - it's amazing the things you'll find when you google yourself. Apparently I made a feeble attempt at blogging, oh say three years ago? My next step should be updating the look of this page, and scouring my brain for something intelligent AND interesting to blog. Things have changed alot since those crazy days in 2010. At that time, my piece of the prop vendoring pie was fairly large, and I was constantly buried under a pile of needles, yarn, and yes, orders. These days it seems everyone and their dear Aunty May has opened a prop shop. As a result, I find myself with time to: read, pay attention to my children (gasp!), and possibly, but not probably, housework. It's a whole different ballgame. And not so bad at times.